About Strokes...

The site's name, "GENEYUS" is a homophone and a play on the my name & does not imply any implied or claimed capability on my part... though it would be nice if visitors would also see it as a synonym as well...  8-D

This site contains mainly my own observations, commentary, and what I believe are significant interpretations on various topics of personal interest... which comes to one of my problems as a blogger...

I have, "too many interests for my own good...."  So, everytime I decide to start my blog, my first question is... what is it about?  Should it be about just one thing, all things, or should I make a blog out of each?!  Then so much time has elapsed and I yet have to answer that question, so I abort the attempt.

Recently I noticed that I was asking these questions in order to please the potential target demographic of the blog(s)... until I realized that the most important demographics are ME,  MYSELF, and I... and that no one can actually please everyone!

Thus, this blog's main objective is for personal fulfilment, with the secondary goal to please those fortunate or unfortunate visitors who happen to get here!

Back in school my parents used to complain that I was studying so many things, EXCEPT my school work!  This got me somewhat in trouble since my grades didn't turn out that great.  I would like to think that all of these extra-academic studies paid off eventually... I think my Mom would agree!

What exactly is this blog about?  Well, it would be simplest to put these "interests" in a list:
  • Medical - Which includes anything about Health, including Preventive Health and Fitness, and of course, my field of specialty, UROLOGY.
  • Entertainment - Always was a movie and television buff. Growing during the martial law years, which limited the movies and the number of channels... which helped a lot since this was about the time I got heavily into reading (and watching), mostly Sci Fi, Fantasy, Action/Thrillers, Horror... and these include novels and comics.
  • Technology - Had a fascination with technology at an early age. This manifested with interest in war and military arms and armor. The greatest motivation for technological advance is war and the greatest source of funding is military. Later, when commerce became the greater impulse, this manifested in my interest in computers, followed by gadgets, personal and information technology and their connectivity. 
  • Social Media: Was an early user of Facebook.  I dabbled with MySpace, Friendster and Multiply at their time, but never got into them for various reasons.  Facebook did not require that much commitment (at the time) once you got the hang of it.  Once it took off, like myself it became a great part of our lives as they could connect you with relatives and friends from the past and far off places.  Being an old BBS Sysop, I was already proficient in the etiquette and protocol of online correspondence and journalism. 
  • Health IT: Being both a doctor and a self-taught IT expert, it was obvious that to merge the two would be very beneficial.  Unfortunately only in recent years did the technology and the political will become available to make such endeavours prosper.  As the Chief Information Officer in one of the most progressive medical institutions in the country gives me a unique perspective and exposure to the state of #HealthIT.
  • Food: Have always had a hearty appetite, but only in fairly recent years did I actually pay more attention to the taste, umami, seasoning, complexity, technical execution, and appearance of food... this came after a sudden fascination with wine... tasting, pairing, collecting, and advocating. 
  • Only in the Philippines: Every country has it's own unique quirks and manner of dealing with life, and the Philippines is no exception.
  • Travel: Advantages of my profession is that it provides many opportunities for travels... allowing to experience a lot and the learn even more.   
  • Life Outside The Box: Which generally means whatever miscellaneous thoughts & observations on life, family, marriage, kids, parents, work that enter my head that I decide to share.
Hope you enjoy your visit and to see you come back!